

東風汽車集團在新能源汽車領域已推出多款車型,涵蓋純電動車(BEV)、插電式混合動力車(PHEV)及燃料電池車(FCEV),其中新能源汽車品牌包括有:東風風神、奈米、奕派、嵐圖、猛士、追光以及啟辰 等不同品牌。


Consumers employ advanced technologies to pursue their ideal lifestyles, as well as achieve greater lifestyle goals. Advanced technologies can comprehensively satisfy the specific needs of consumers, and become an indispensable companion in both their work and personal lives. This is the promise that Maxus makes.


Trust is a form of affirmation and the embodiment of strength. Maxus relies upon SAIC's strength as a world-renowned automobile company, employs sincerity and trust to engage in continuous self-development, achieve operational goals and accomplish consumers' approval and affirmation seeking habits.


Ambition is the engine of sustainable development, and the key to maintaining a lead. Maxus, as a leading brand of commercial vehicle which is renowned internationally, is confident that it can grasp the mood of the market, and by means of continuous expansion, improvement, and innovation enable the brand to acquire endless vitality.